Wedding RIVA St Kilda

Wedding RIVA St Kilda. We picked Riva for our wedding, as we both love the water/beach and grew up fishing so it was quite a fitting venue. The palm trees, fairy lights, boats and beach are right up our alley. We didn’t want a traditional and enclosed function room.” The wedding ceremony was held in the Greek Church on Barry Street, South Yarra. They had their wedding photography taken at Kamesburgh Gardens, Brighton and at RIVA in St. Kilda.

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They met almost 2.5 years ago at a bar on Chapel Street (The Wolf & I). He thought she was cute and knew he had to meet her. She thought he talked a lot, but liked his kind eyes, smile & sense of fun.
In January 2015, he intended to propose at a Peninsula winery, but there were fires so the restaurant shut and was evacuated. He proposed in their favourite local park the next day, as they lazed on a picnic rug in the sun – our happy place. “It was an amazing feeling and we celebrated in style!”

Wedding at RIVA St Kilda cutegrooms boys
dadWedding at RIVA St KildaWedding at RIVA St Kilda Wedding at RIVA St Kilda